Area presentation at En.Trading 016 Seminar: “Understanding SEE power market” 21 April 2016, Rogner Hotel, Tirana, Albania

Albanian Renewable Energy Association – AREA presented by Dr Lorenc
Gordani, has taken part at the En.Trading 016 Seminar: “Understanding SEE power
market”, 21 April 2016, Rogner Hotel, Tirana, Albania. Participation that see
the keeping of presentation entitle “Albanian electricity market at a
crossroads: latest development and the liberalisation process”.

The purpose to get an overview on the development of upcoming Albanian
Power Exchanges (APE) makes inevitable the in-depth analyses and projections on
renewable energy sector. In the last period, the strategic development of sector
is rising up a complex interdisciplinary debate. This time it corresponds to
the upcoming new challenges – regard the paradigm of the climate goal and the reaches
of the renewables national target – within the long-time effect to the
strategic development of the Albanian energy market in the WBs.

In summary, the presentation, aimed to integrate the latest update on
legal framework related with the issues on the trading and power market
exchanges with the regularly reports and analyses of the organisation that
regulate the sector (DG Ener, EnC, ACER, etc.). A paper that reflect the last
development in act, based on the concrete daily concerns faced by AREA, concluding
with a summary of the position taken in the interest of invests made in the towards
last developments.

The paper is part of a wide research work, overtake within the
objectives of working programme of the Area
with purpose to give a qualified contribute to the promote of the renewable sector
and the market liberalisation and regional integration with the propose to the
build-up of sustainable model of the energy market. A presentation that it is becoming
part of presentation in many national and international seminars, workshops and


Electricity Market at a Crossroad by Dr Lorenc Gordani

Presentation Electricity
Market at a Crossroad by Dr Lorenc Gordani

En.Trading 016 Seminar: “Understanding SEE power market”, 21 April 2016, Rogner Hotel, Tirana, Albania

9.00 – 15.00 Seminar Program
with a Lot of Networking

Montel and Energetika.NET,
together with Nord Pool Spot, who is co-establishing Albanian exchange office,
are organising this power-trading seminar focusing on the southeast European
(SEE) power markets in Tirana, Albania.

“Learn how the region’s power markets function,
what the key issues driving prices are, and gain valuable insight into how to
create business opportunities. Join us!
For more details:

Program highlights:

Power Market Structure and Market Price Development

An introduction to the power market, price development and influences on
the power price.

SEE Region: Infrastructure and regulatory development

Introduction to the SEE region, status of the market (production,
import, specifics), level of deregulation and future developments (investments,
common auction offices.)

Trading-specific session on production structure, cross-border
capacities, key price drivers and other influences on price development.

Focus on specifics of the Albanian energy market

016 Seminar agenda

8.30 – 9.00 Registration and Coffee

9.00 – 9.15 Seminar opening

9.15 – 9.55 An introduction to the power market,
price development and influences on the power price, with focus on specifics of
the Albanian energy market
(INTRO part, presented by Nord Pool

9.55 – 10.35 Status of the Albanian market
(production, import, specifics), level of deregulation and future developments
with planned investments
(presented by the Albanian Ministry of Energy)

10.35 – 11.05 Networking coffee break

11.05 – 11.40 Infrastructure and regulatory
(presented by Elton Radheshi, OST – Albanian TSO)

11.40 – 12.15 Potential input from Energy Community
on the SEE region as a whole
(presented by the Energy Community Secretariat

12.15 – 12.55 Power Market Structure and Market Price
Development in the SEE region + what will new power exchanges bring
(presented by Silvio Brkic, CROPEX)

12.55 – 14.15 Lunch and networking

14.15 – 14.50 Trading-specific session on how to set
up a power exchange seen from one who have just done it – with inputs on
production structure, cross–border capacities, key price drivers and other
influences on price development
(presented by Nikola Gabrovski and Konstantin
Konstantinov, IBEX)

14.50 – 15.30 Trading experiences in the Albanian
market so far …
(presented by Ermela Hoxha, Future Energy & Albanian Association of
Electricity Suppliers)

15.30 – 15.50 Albanian electricity market at
a crossroads: latest development and the liberalisation process
(presented by Dr Lorenc Gordani, Albanian Renewable Energy Association – AREA)

15.50 – 16.00 Programme Closing

can also become a sponsor at En.Trading conference, at one of the En.Trading
seminars, or – for a very special price! – at all three En.Trading events.
For more details:

Arbitration and European Law, April 7, 2016, IEU (VUB), Brussels

Arbitration and European Law

Preliminary planning:

Date: April 7, 2016

Place: IEU (VUB), Brussels

Time: 14.00 – 18.30

Provisionnal Programme:

The interaction and relationship of EU law and international commercial arbitration has had growing interest over the years. In this course, we will consider the key changes in the Brussels Regulation (recast) for commercial parties, the consequences and interpretation of the arbitration exceptions and the relationship between EU state aid and investment protection under bilateral investment treaties.

We will also discuss the procedure, minimum standards, application of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and compare BITs and EU law in investment arbitration.

Confirmed speakers: Mr. Jean-François Bellis, Mr. Damien Geradin, Mr. A. Komninos, Mr. K. Adamantopoulos, Mrs. Z. Prodromou, Mr. G. Palermo and Mr. R. Schlegelmlich. Prices: Non-Members of AIA: 200 euro (excl. VAT) / AIA Members: 100 euro (excl. VAT)

AREA participate in a meeting with journalists and representatives of civil society, AREA Press Release, 23 February 2016 (text in Albanian)

Area merre pjese ne takimin me gazetare dhe përfaqësues te shoqërisë civile, Area Press Release, 23 Shkurt 2016

Shoqata Shqiptare e Energjisë së Rinovueshme – Area e përfaqësuar nga Drejtori Juridik Dr. Lorenc
Gordani, morri pjese ditën e hënë, me datë 22 Shkurt 2016, ne një takim mes
organizatave dhe ekspertëve që punojnë në fushën e energjisë dhe mjedisit dhe
gazetarëve. Takim i organizua nga BIRN Albania u zhvillua në sallën e Hotel
Xheko Imperial (ish-Karlsberg), me qëllim që të prezantoj gazetaret me punën e
shoqërisë civile ne kete fushe, si dhe te identifikoje problematikat kryesore,
te cilat do te orientojnë punën e BIRN Albania dhe grantet qe ajo do te ofroje
për gazetaret shqiptare.

Takimi i drejtuar nga z. Zef Preçi, Executive Director at Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER), kishte për qellim te vendoste ura
bashkëpunimi me te mira me te gjithë aktoreve e përfshire ne fushën
energjetike. Ne kete kuadër Drejtori Juridik Dr. Lorenc Gordani së pari uroi
organizatoret për ndërmarrjen e kësaj iniciative qe shikon përmbushjen një
aspekti thelbësore ne fushen e gazetarise dhe dialogut ndërinstitucionalë siç
është forcimi i bashkëpunimit mes shoqërisë civile dhe gazetarëve te impenjuar
në fushën e energjisë.

Nder te tjera Drejtori Juridik Area, Dr. Lorenc Gordani, shprehu se shpreson se
kjo iniciative do te shërbej për bërjen te mundur te analizave me qasje dhe
inkuadrim me gjithëpërfshirës dhe ne interes publik. Ne momentin aktuale
sistemi energjetikë është ne rrugëtimin e tij drejt zhvillimit dhe çlirimit te
potencialeve ne te gjitha drejtimet: si ne tregun me shume, atë me pakice,
hyrjen e operatoreve te trete, rënien e monopoleve legale te kompanive publike,
e shume te tjera. Por ne një frymë bashkëpunuese te gjitha zhvillimet duhen
adresuar pa eklipsuar ose te paktën duke mbajtur ne vëmendjen e duhur edhe
çështjet e biznesit dhe problematikat e sistemit ne tërësi tha Dr. Lorenc

Për kete më gjithë zhvillimet e shumta, momenti kërkon qe vëmendja te
fokusohet mbi aktoret e vërtet te këtij zhvillimi, pra investitorët qe
kontribuojnë me kapitalet e tyre ne rritjen e kapaciteteve dhe zhvillimin e
përgjithshëm ekonomik. Megjithë dakortesine mbi problemet qe pashmagshmerisht
shoqërojnë këto zhvillime qofte edhe një reflektim i përcipte bene te mendosh
se situata ne te cilin jemi sot duhet te jete pak (apo shume) e trashëguar edhe
si një produkte i një mendësie qe e kapur nga nevojat e momentit te caktuar
vazhdon te shikoj rrugëdalje ne ndërhyrjet me masa emergjente.

Në vijim të takimit diskutimi u përqendruar në mënyrë të veçantë në
identifikimin dhe gjetjen e rrugëve kryesore te bashkëpunimit. Për sa me sipër
pjesëmarrësit u dakordesuan se kjo iniciative qe po lancohet sot si edhe te
tjera të pavarura të fushës së energjisë do te shërbejnë një bashkërendimi më
të suksesshme për zhvillimin e mëtejshëm të sektorit me frymë dhe metoda
nxitëse në zbatim të orientimeve dhe
standardeve të Bashkimit Evropian ne te cilat edhe Shqipëria kërkon te integrohet.

Hydro Capacity and Market Perspectives within EU Policies of 2020 and 2030 Key Note Speech Kept Dr Lorenc Gordani at 2nd HydroTech Albania Conference and Exhibition on 10-11 February 2016 in Tirana Business Park

Green World
Conferences organised the 2nd HydroTech Albania
conference and exhibition on 10-11 February 2016 in Tirana Business Park. The
conference provided a platform to exchange information and the opportunity for
both the potential and existing investors and the investment community to meet
and network in a 5 star environment. It intended to support hydro development
in Albania, to increase foreign direct investment and aid further privatisation
of the hydro power industry.

While the event showcasing many technology
providers it also content driven and address the key issues that the hydro energy
industry is facing today in Albania, including the main drivers: reducing CO2,
increasing energy security, enabling access to affordable financing, reducing
production costs and alleviating poverty in rural areas. The HydroTech Albania 2016 conference and
exhibition host major developers, ministries, investors, lawyers, energy
regulatory agencies, energy traders, utilities and technology companies.

In the here activity Dr Lorenc Gordani Director of Legal Office of Area kept a Key Note Speech on “Hydro Capacity and Market
Perspectives within EU Policies of 2020 and 2030” For more find the here Report and Slides kept at 2nd
HydroTech Albania Conference and Exhibition on 10-11 February 2016 in Tirana
Business Park.

TES Vsetín confirm the participation at HydroTech Albania 2016, organise by Green World Conferences, 10-11 February 2016 at Tirana Business Park

Based in the Czech Republic, TES Vsetín is a leading manufacturer of electric machines, drives and components and serves customers in many countries all over the world.

The company has a remarkable experience in generator design, production, and maintenance, power range up to 30 MVA, with hundreds of installations worldwide.

TES has almost 750 employees and our large manufacturing facility covers an area of about 100,000 m2. Our design offices in Vsetín, Brno and Prague enable us to do our own R & D based on an active approach to technical innovation, with the best value for the client.

We are building on 100 years of tradition and continuously invest in expanding our production facilities and capacities. Through cooperation with external experts and through the implementation of our own internal projects, we introduce new methods of production control, sales and work organisation.

We interact with our customers, our employees and our environs with a great sense of care and responsibility. We purposefully pursue our vision.

The conference will be simultaneously translated into English and Albanian.

Konferenca do te zhvillohet dhe do te perkthehet njekohesisht ne te dyja gjuhet ne Anglisht dhe Shqip.

Conference Overview:

Green World Conferences are pleased to announce that 2nd HydroTech Albania conference and exhibition will be held on 10-11 February 2016 in Tirana Business Park.

The conference will provide a platform to exchange information and the opportunity for both the potential and existing investors and the investment community to meet and network in a 5 star environment. It is intended to support hydro development in Albania, to increase foreign direct investment and aid further privatisation of the hydro power industry.

While the event will be showcasing many technology providers it will also be content driven and will address the key issues the hydro energy industry is facing today in Albania, including the main drivers: reducing CO2, increasing energy security, enabling access to affordable financing, reducing production costs and alleviating poverty in rural areas.

Albania has a liberalized economic framework and conditions for doing business and attracting FDI are improving constantly. In Albania, building new power generation capacities and transmission lines to support its future energy needs and to export is a government priority. According to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) the country has only exploited 35% of the total potential. Total hydropower reserves are estimated at around 3,000 MW. Potential annual generation may reach up to 16.000 GWh.

Furthermore, the Albanian electricity system relies almost entirely on hydro to cover its electricity demand with 1.7 GW of hydropower capacity installed, according to information from the Energy Community.

The HydroTech Albania 2016 conference and exhibition will host major developers, ministries, investors, lawyers, energy regulatory agencies, energy traders, utilities and technology companies.

Whether you are launching a new product, building your brand awareness, successful targeting new customers or cementing existing relationships with clients HydroTech Albania 2016 is ideal to assist you in successful reaching these objectives.

The conference is organised with close co-opeartion with the Albanian Small Hydropower Association.

Conference main topics:

  • Albanian small hydro power market – current state and future potential
  • Albanian governamet and market regulator support for further small hydro developments
  • Key aspects of financing small hydro power projects in Albania
  • Legal advise – case studies from leading energy lawyers
  • Technical aspects of new developments and refurbishement of existing small hydro installations

Who will attend:

  • Energy market regulator
  • Energy utilities
  • Hydro projects EPCs and developers
  • Finance porviers for hydro projects
  • OEM for hydro projects
  • Service providers

Why attend:

  • A fully packed programme of high profile speakers
  • Excellent networking with the who’s who of the regional and international hydro energy industry
  • Technology update in the exhibition area
  • Extensive finance advice on developing commercially profitable hydro energy projects with case studies
  • Learn about local hydro energy development and profitability
  • Hear from and meet in person over 100 top hydro energy experts

Dr Lorenc Gordani, Director of Legal Office at Albanian Renewable Energy Association – AREA, participate at HydroTech Albania 2016, organise by Green World Conferences, 10-11 February 2016 at Tirana Business Park


Day 1: Wednesday, 10 February 2016

08:00 – 08:45 Conference registration and welcoming coffee

09:00 – 09:30 Welcome Address and Business Card Exchange

09:30 – 10:00 Session I – Assessment of the future energy sector in Albania – where will we be in 2020.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

Leading political figures from the local national government, energy agents, utility company representative along with local and international bank experts will open the conference and set the scene for 2030 frameworks. The speakers will share their views on the status and the future of the hydro energy sector in Albania and neighbouring countries.

  • Mr. Z. Damian Gjiknuri, Minister of Energy and Industry, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy of Albania – invited

You will also meet other government representatives.

10:30 – 11:30 Session II – Hydro energy market of Albania from the regulatory point of view.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

Discussion on risks and opportunities for hydro energy investors and the importance of the legal aspects related to the development and financing of hydro projects in Albania. Impact of regulatory structure on current and future hydro energy projects financing and the alternative conditions needed to increase the stability over the coming years will also be discussed.

  • Mr Petrit Ahmeti, Chairman, Enti Rregullator i Energjise / Albanian Energy Regulator Authority ERE
  • Dr Lorenc Gordani, Director of Legal Office, Albanian Renewable Energy Association AREAAlbanian RES capacity and energy markets perspectives within EU policies by 2030.

11:30 – 12.00 Networking Coffee Break

12:00 – 12:40 Session III – Learn from the past – case studies on recent development of existing hydro projects in Albania and the Balkans.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

Successful case studies on Albanian hydro projects already in operation will be presented with intention to pin-point the opportunities and obstacles of developing new hydro projects in the country.

  • Mr Wolfgang Kröpfl, MBA Chief Technology Officer, COO Enso Hydro

12:40 – 14:00 Networking Lunch And Meetings

14:00 – 15:00 Session IV – New Projects in Albania I: Case studies and technical aspects of developing new hydro projects in Albania – Excellence in turnkey project delivery.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

Every new projects is different for each hydro power plant. In this session top OEMs will give presentation on specific case studies about new hydro projects as well as it will discuss the latest innovations with developers offering their insight into their experience on ideal products for the Albanian hydro energy market.

  • Mr Dario Gamba, Business Development Manager, ZECO
  • Mr Alessandro Bosio, Business Developer Renwables & Environment, EPF EnergyDeveloping small hydro in Albania.
  • Mr Devis Hasalami, Cheif Executive Officer,“DEKLIADA-ALB” InstituteCurraj Hydro Power Plant 105 MW.

15:00 – 15:30 Networking Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:30 Session V – The environment and hydro-power installations – how to plan, build and work with local communities – experts debate.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

Albania has significant undeveloped hydropower potential, a growing demand for electric power, as well as a favourable geographical position that opens up possibilities for power exports to the bordering countries. This session will discuss various profitable solutions for new hydro projects in Albania.

16:30 – 16:40 Day 1 summary and organiser’s thank you – Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

16:40 – Close of the first day of the conference and wine reception

18:00 Networking dinner (requires separate booking, limited places available):

Kompleksit Taiwan, Steak House

Taiwan sh.p.k
Rruga Ibrahim Rugova
Parku Rinia


Transportation to and fro not included. Confirmation and inclusions will be received at time of booking.

Day 2: Thursday, 11 February 2016

08:00 – 08:45 Conference registration and welcoming coffee

09:00 – 09:10 Organiser’s welcome address

09:10 – 10:10 Session I – Hydropower resource assessment in Albania: estimating the risk and real costs of projects.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

A hydro project is subject to different factors of risk during their life time, such as planning, construction and operation. Risks can be technical, environmental, social or regulatory. The perception of inadequate understanding of the risk factors can lead to cost overrun or complication in carrying out the project. This session will discover what major risks hydro project can be exposed to in Albania.

  • Mr Mark Gill, Senior Project Manager, Mott MacDonaldBuilding the hydro market in Nepal and application to other developing markets.
  • Mr Romeo Eftimi, Hydro Consultant, HydrogeoCould the thermal energy to be used for the production of the electrical energy in Albania?
  • Mr Fatih Haskılıç, Regional Marketing Manager for Turkey, Albania, Georgia, Voith HydroVoith Hydro & Kössler in Albania.

10:10 – 10:30 Networking Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:30 Session II – Financing hydro energy projects in Albania: understanding the lender approach and requirements to secure your project finance.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

Albania has a very fortunate position for hydro energy production. Yet, the electricity demand in still higher that the current supply can facilitate and the number of hydro power stations in Albania seems to increase very slowly. How to tackle the existing barriers for investments and address issues with regulatory framework? Can local entrepreneurs borrow from local or international banks? What lenders require and who they favour? How long does it take to secure your project finance?

11:30 – 12:00 Networking Coffee Break

12:00 – 13:00 Session III – Protecting the generated power – managing distribution lines to curb power piracy.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

13:00 – 13:30 Networking Coffee Break

13:30 – 14:30 Session IV – Fast-tracking Albania to become renewable energy leader – experts debate.
Session chair: Mr Derek Michalski, Chief Executive Officer, Green World Conferences

  • Mr Sokol Abazaj, Chief Executive Officer, Austria International Business Agency AMERLegality and environment as irrefutable necessity for energy projects.

14:30 End of the conference, organiser’s thank you and farewell lunch.

ACERC remind the last chances to participate at HydroTech Albania 2016, organise by Green World Conferences, 10-11 February 2016 at Tirana Business Park

The conference will be simultaneously translated into English and Albanian.

Konferenca do te zhvillohet dhe do te perkthehet njekohesisht ne te dyja gjuhet ne Anglisht dhe Shqip.

Conference Overview:

Green World Conferences are pleased to announce that 2nd HydroTech Albania conference and exhibition will be held on 10-11 February 2016 in Tirana Business Park.

The conference will provide a platform to exchange information and the opportunity for both the potential and existing investors and the investment community to meet and network in a 5 star environment. It is intended to support hydro development in Albania, to increase foreign direct investment and aid further privatisation of the hydro power industry.

While the event will be showcasing many technology providers it will also be content driven and will address the key issues the hydro energy industry is facing today in Albania, including the main drivers: reducing CO2, increasing energy security, enabling access to affordable financing, reducing production costs and alleviating poverty in rural areas.

Albania has a liberalized economic framework and conditions for doing business and attracting FDI are improving constantly. In Albania, building new power generation capacities and transmission lines to support its future energy needs and to export is a government priority. According to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) the country has only exploited 35% of the total potential. Total hydropower reserves are estimated at around 3,000 MW. Potential annual generation may reach up to 16.000 GWh.

Furthermore, the Albanian electricity system relies almost entirely on hydro to cover its electricity demand with 1.7 GW of hydropower capacity installed, according to information from the Energy Community.

The HydroTech Albania 2016 conference and exhibition will host major developers, ministries, investors, lawyers, energy regulatory agencies, energy traders, utilities and technology companies.

Whether you are launching a new product, building your brand awareness, successful targeting new customers or cementing existing relationships with clients HydroTech Albania 2016 is ideal to assist you in successful reaching these objectives.

The conference is organised with close co-opeartion with the Albanian Small Hydropower Association.

Conference main topics:

  • Albanian small hydro power market – current state and future potential
  • Albanian governamet and market regulator support for further small hydro developments
  • Key aspects of financing small hydro power projects in Albania
  • Legal advise – case studies from leading energy lawyers
  • Technical aspects of new developments and refurbishement of existing small hydro installations

Who will attend:

  • Energy market regulator
  • Energy utilities
  • Hydro projects EPCs and developers
  • Finance porviers for hydro projects
  • OEM for hydro projects
  • Service providers

Why attend:

  • A fully packed programme of high profile speakers
  • Excellent networking with the who’s who of the regional and international hydro energy industry
  • Technology update in the exhibition area
  • Extensive finance advice on developing commercially profitable hydro energy projects with case studies
  • Learn about local hydro energy development and profitability
  • Hear from and meet in person over 100 top hydro energy experts